Behind the Scenes at Protectimus: Where Cybersecurity Meets Fun and Innovation

In the fast-changing world of cybersecurity, where every piece of code and every bit of data needs rock-solid protection, our company stands out not only for its cutting-edge multi-factor authentication solutions but also for its exceptional corporate ethos. In this article, we want to show you what’s special about Protectimus team. It’s a place where cybersecurity experts don’t just protect data; they also enjoy a lively and fun workplace. Come with us behind the scenes at Protectimus and see how our team blends top-notch security with a vibrant and enjoyable work environment.

About Protectimus: Where It All Started

The story of how Protectimus came to be is quite an interesting one. It all began when our founder was immersed in another project and faced the challenge of integrating a two-factor authentication solution into that product. Searching for such a solution proved to be a daunting task. It became apparent that finding a provider who responded promptly, offered seamless integration possibilities, didn’t burden users with integration fees beyond the standard subscription, and didn’t require administrators to undergo costly courses for setup and administration was no easy feat.

Our future founder’s frustration peaked when he had to invest weeks of his life in courses provided by one of our competitors just to implement their two-factor authentication solution into his product. It was during this time that he resolved to create a two-factor authentication system that would be refreshingly straightforward to implement and configure, easy to manage, with no upfront costs, a free proof of concept, and the most accommodating support team imaginable.

In 2013, this vision took root within a small group of developers, and today, it has blossomed into a widely adopted security solution trusted by some of the world’s largest tech companies, payment systems, and corporations. What sets Protectimus apart from other two-factor authentication providers is our unwavering commitment to assist every system administrator, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or company owner, regardless of their company’s size or industry, in seamlessly integrating two-factor authentication into their systems as swiftly and effortlessly as possible. We pride ourselves on our eagerness to assist, tailor our solution to meet specific needs, and respond promptly to every client’s request.

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A Glimpse of Protectimus Headquarters

Nestled in the vibrant city of Dublin, Ireland, you’ll find the central hub of Protectimus — a place where innovation and cybersecurity flourish. Our choice of location not only aligns with Dublin’s tech-savvy environment but also underscores our dedication to being a part of the global cybersecurity community.

Protectimus team location

Step inside our office, and you’ll encounter a modern, open-concept design that encourages collaboration and sparks creativity. The moment you walk through our doors, you’ll feel the passion and commitment that define our workspace. It’s more than just an office; it’s a haven of ideas and solutions, where our team diligently works to safeguard your online world.

But that’s not the whole story. At Protectimus, our team transcends geographical boundaries. Many of our dedicated members work remotely, spanning various countries across Europe. This international perspective enriches both our approach to online security and our corporate culture, as it brings together a tapestry of diverse experiences and expertise.

What sets our office apart is the atmosphere of fun and camaraderie. Here, everyone is encouraged to chat and discuss not only work-related matters but also any topic of interest. We embrace all thoughts and viewpoints, respecting every team member. The kitchen is a bustling hub where people gather, spend quality time, and indulge in delicious treats, from coffee and tea to an array of beverages. You’ll even find a table soccer game, adding a touch of playfulness to our friendly environment. At Protectimus, we value the balance between work and relaxation, fostering a workplace where people not only excel professionally but also enjoy a vibrant and inclusive community.

Protectimus office

Meet the Protectimus Team

Allow us to introduce you to the exceptional individuals who make up the Protectimus team. Each member brings their unique expertise, passion, and personality to our cybersecurity family. As we delve into getting to know the people behind the innovation, it’s important to keep in mind that this group represents just a fraction of the team that forms the foundation of our larger workforce.

Maksym Oliinyk, Protectimus' Director and Founder


Director and Founder

With a solid IT background, Maksym embarked on a journey to create a straightforward and budget-friendly two-factor authentication service. He assembled a team of like-minded experts, investing time, effort, and resources into bringing Protectimus to life.

Over time, Protectimus not only kept pace with industry leaders but often outperformed them, thanks to Maksym’s commitment to excellence and innovation. Maksym isn’t just our leader; he’s a driving force behind the company.

Beyond his professional achievements, Maksym has a wide range of interests. He enjoys travel, takes pleasure in tending to his garden, and has a penchant for fast cars and bicycles. He is our current office champion in Warcraft and table football. However, what truly endears him to our team is his sense of humor, capable of brightening our workdays with laughter.

In addition to his many talents, Maksym has a knack for hosting parties and organizing team-building events. His personal touch ensures our gatherings are memorable, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere at Protectimus.

Danylo Deineko - Java Developer

Danylo Deineko

Technical Lead

In his pivotal role as our Tech Lead, Danylo shoulders the substantial responsibility for spearheading the planning, development, and implementation of most updates and enhancements to the Protectimus two-factor authentication service and platform. Additionally, he collaborates closely with the sales team, actively participating in meetings with clients who face challenges related to integrating Protectimus solutions into their infrastructure or requiring customizations, all while maintaining a steadfast commitment to identifying the most intelligent and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Danylo is the most athletically inclined and robust team member, particularly in terms of sports. He boasts a background in rock climbing and relishes activities like hiking, running, spearfishing, and monofin swimming. Beyond his athleticism, he possesses a subtle sense of humor, making him a fantastic friend and ensuring that you’ll never experience a dull moment in his company. Danylo not only embraces a sporting and healthy lifestyle himself but also enjoys involving our team members in sports and active recreation. Thanks to Danylo, some team members participate in group runs and hikes.

VADIM VATLIN - DevOps Engineer


Lead of DevOps/System Administrators

As a Lead of DevOps and System Administrators at Protectimus, Vadim shoulders a significant responsibility in ensuring the smooth and stable operation of our two-factor authentication service and platform, making sure they are consistently available to our clients. His role can be demanding, and in emergencies, he might even be awakened at night if something goes awry. Fortunately, such situations are exceedingly rare, thanks to Vadim’s exceptional competence in his role. He has preemptively addressed potential issues, establishing safeguards to prevent system failures. Even in unforeseen circumstances, the system seamlessly transitions to backup channels, with no impact on our end clients.

Vadim also plays an essential role in client calls, offering his expertise for custom cases that require consultation. With his sharp intellect, he consistently identifies innovative solutions in these scenarios.

Vadim is the heart and soul of our team. He regularly comes up with engaging team-building activities and lends his full support to organize them. Thanks to Vadim’s influence, we’ve introduced activities like football, volleyball, and occasional poker games. He and Maksym currently hold the title of office table football champions, having dominated the competition during our office championship. Vadim continues to hone his skills to challenge Maksym in Warcraft, and though the odds may be against him, we’re still rooting for his success. Vadim has a passion for surfing, running, and savoring delicious cuisine. His zest for life is contagious, inspiring everyone around him.

Andrii Stopin - QA Engineer at Protectimus


QA Engineer

Andrew, our youngest and one of the most promising talents in the Development and Quality Assurance (QA) team, takes on the critical and demanding role of testing all Protectimus two-factor authentication solutions and features, both new and old; no bug escapes his meticulous and rigorous quality assurance scrutiny, and he continuously strives to acquire new skills, explore innovative testing techniques, and stay at the forefront of the field, all while demonstrating an unwavering commitment to maintaining and elevating the highest standards of quality and performance in our products.

On a more personal note, Andrew possesses a discerning eye not only for identifying bugs but also for matters related to UI/UX design. He’s a formidable adversary in office poker tournaments and is deeply passionate about cybersport, with a particular love for Dota. He resides in the USA and frequently embarks on cross-country travels.

Denys Griga - Head of Sales at Protectimus


Head of Sales

Denys is our Head of Sales, a master of demo presentations, and a connoisseur of dark humor. In his role as the leader of our sales team, Denys is responsible for overseeing the sales process, presenting our products to our largest clients, and handling clients with the most complex integration needs. He also works tirelessly to expand our network of partners and distributors for Protectimus’ two-factor authentication solutions. Denys possesses an in-depth understanding of the Protectimus two-factor authentication system and tokens, and he consistently identifies the best solutions for each client, no matter how complex their case or request may appear.

We value Denys not only for his outstanding professionalism as Head of Sales but also for his unique personal talents. Denys has a background as a rapper and a dark stand-up comedian, and he easily becomes the star of any team gathering, particularly those featuring karaoke. He infuses humor into our office environment, keeping our days lively and entertaining with a continuous stream of jokes, often on the darker side but undeniably amusing.

Alexander Plakhotnik -
Business Development Manager

Alexander Plakhotnik

Business Development Manager

Alexander is our Sales and Business Development Manager, wearing the additional hat of a Customer Success Manager. He takes a deep dive into clients’ requests and issues, always striving to discover the best and quickest solutions for our clients. Sometimes, it appears that Alexander grasps the intricacies of the Protectimus system even better than our developers do. If Alexander is your manager, rest assured that he will find the optimal solution for your needs. Moreover, he’s the one responsible for managing token deliveries, and we admire his talent for ensuring that all our clients receive their tokens on time.

Alexander’s value to our team goes beyond his professional expertise; we appreciate his personal qualities as well. He possesses a multitude of talents, skills, and hobbies. Among his greatest passions is fishing. Whenever our team gathers for a team-building event near the water, you can count on Alexander having his fishing gear in tow.

He excels at football and volleyball, and when he plays poker, it’s either a resounding victory or a humbling defeat—no in between. Within our office, Alexander also holds the title of chess champion. We keep a chessboard on hand, and from time to time, we take breaks to challenge this reigning expert. Besides, with a background in bartending, he is the maestro of crafting the perfect cocktail, tailored to the time of day and the occasion.

Andrew Kalmykov - SEO Marketing Analyst at Protectimus

Andrew Kalmykov

SEO Marketing Analyst

With a keen eye for search engine optimization (SEO), Andrew takes charge of all our SEO initiatives, working tirelessly to propel our website’s visibility and ranking to new heights. His efforts are integral to ensuring that our customers can easily find and engage with the industry-leading two-factor authentication solution that we offer. Andrew’s commitment to staying at the forefront of SEO trends and best practices is a testament to his dedication to our mission, and his role as a driving force behind our continued growth and success.

Andrew is a fervent enthusiast of computer games and horseback riding, and he’s also a charmer of women’s hearts. When it comes to Dota, there’s no one who can outmatch Andrew; he dedicated nearly 7,000 hours of his student years to playing the game, approaching a semi-professional level. He’s the heart and soul of our team, perpetually in high spirits, and forever prepared for challenges and championships.

Anna Korobkyna - Content Marketing Manager at Protectimus

Anna Korobkyna

Content Marketing Manager

Anna holds the significant and multifaceted responsibility of overseeing all the content we publish on our website, blog, guides section, and various other sources, including crafting this article about the Protectimus team today. Over the years at Protectimus, she has evolved into an unquestioned authority on cybersecurity and two-factor authentication issues, thanks to her daily writing about Protectimus products and her dedication to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity industry knowledge, consistently deepening her expertise and contributing to our mission of educating and engaging our audience.

As one of the few women on the team, she endeavors to champion feminist values in the daily life at Protectimus. She considers herself fortunate to be a part of this team, where she has the opportunity to expand her knowledge of cybersecurity, contribute to developing quality products that safeguard people’s data against hacking, and build lasting friendships.

Outside of work, Anna’s interests span yoga, travel, attending rock festivals, creating cosplay costumes, and a newfound enthusiasm for hiking, inspired by Danylo.

Daily Life at Protectimus

Daily life at Protectimus is a delightful blend of work and play. As you’ve probably gathered from the profiles of our team members, we know how to seamlessly intertwine top-notch professional qualities with a great sense of humor. Laughter fills the air all around the office, especially in the kitchen where people gather for snacks and a game of table soccer. The work environment is far from rigid, so you’ll catch a stream of jokes during online meetings and even after-hours, as teammates unwind and connect during team-building activities.

We’re dedicated to infusing our employees’ lives with fun and a cheerful atmosphere. To achieve this, we organize various office championships, including annual tournaments for table football, poker, and Warcraft. Even during quarantine, when the team couldn’t meet in person, we managed to shift some of these activities online, such as poker and Warcraft tournaments.

From time to time, we also engage in offsite team-building endeavors. These outings include exciting adventures like quad biking, kayaking, snowboarding, riding bikes, paintball, historical excursions, poolside relaxation, and extravagant New Year’s parties at the city’s finest restaurants. These events foster a deeper bond among our team members, transforming us from mere coworkers into close friends.

Moreover, we make sure to celebrate our achievements, both big and small, as a team. These celebrations bring an extra layer of joy to our daily work, making every milestone and success even more rewarding.

Innovation in Action

The Protectimus team members collaborate on various projects, with their heads huddled together during brainstorming sessions and dedicated research efforts, all with the aim of shaping the future of cybersecurity. This embodies our unwavering commitment to maintaining a leading edge in the constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity. Moreover, we actively participate in cybersecurity conferences and forums to share our latest discoveries and achievements in the field.

Protectimus team presenting on the conference

At Protectimus, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries in cybersecurity. We’re committed to continually exploring new and advanced technologies and methods for two-factor authentication. This includes developing innovative concepts like Dynamic Strong Password Authentication (DSPA), Confirm What You See (CWYS), and programmable OTP tokens, delivery of one-time passwords via messaging apps. These changes not only enhanced the effectiveness of our security solutions but also improved their user-friendliness.

But we don’t stop there. We’ve even created a fantastic, free two-factor authentication app Protectimus SMART that resolves many common problems. We’re continually pushing boundaries and venturing into new areas, such as Electronic Visit Verification, where our technology performs exceptionally well.

Above all, we prioritize customizing our solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer. Our dedication to innovation isn’t just a slogan; it’s the driving force that compels us to consistently improve.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, Protectimus embodies the perfect blend of cutting-edge multi-factor authentication solutions and an exceptional corporate ethos. We’ve taken you on a journey behind the scenes to showcase the uniqueness of the Protectimus team. Here, cybersecurity experts not only protect data but also thrive in a lively and fun workplace. This is a place where innovation and camaraderie flourish, fostering an atmosphere where top-notch security merges seamlessly with a vibrant and enjoyable work environment. Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity, backed by a track record of successful innovations, further reinforces our dedication to providing tailored solutions and continuously improving. Protectimus is not just a company; it’s a community of dedicated individuals working tirelessly to safeguard your online world.

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Author: Anna

If you have any questions about two-factor authentication and Protectimus products, ask Anna, and you will get an expert answer. She knows everything about one-time passwords, OTP tokens, 2FA applications, OATH algorithms, how two-factor authentication works, and what it protects against. Anna will explain the difference between TOTP, HOTP, and OCRA, help you choose a token for Azure MFA, and tell you how to set up two-factor authentication for Windows or Active Directory. Over the years with Protectimus, Anna has become an expert in cybersecurity and knows all about the Protectimus 2FA solution, so she will advise on any issue. Please, ask your questions in the comments.

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